100 days after the very first Spin the bottle party, the girls are back to have some more fun with skinny guy. Nine girls, leaded by little Bambina spin a bottle and perform their tasks with their feet.
- Overkneeboots With Buckles I present my beautiful leather overkneeboots with buckles. Are not you a ...
- One Word For You Loser No other word matches better! You have always been a loser. You are a loser and ...
- Nail Polishing Lovely I am putting a red nail polish to my nails on feet.
- Florence’s Toes In Your Mouth Florence is another Dreamgirl who always like to taunt you with her feet, but ...
- The Taste And Smell Of A Hiking Holiday I just got back from my vacation and used the time for some extensive hikes - ...
- Ehegefhrdendes Wichsspiel Achtung! Dieses Spielchen kann deine Beziehung zerstren! Gehst du das Risiko ...
- Kissenficker Demtigung JOI Du liebst es also, von mir gedemtigt zu werden? Du bist so verzaubert, ich ...
- She Doesn’t Care If You Can Breath Jenny smothers her slave - she doesnt care if he can breathe. In the end hes ...
- Wichs Du Missgeburt Das einzige was du hssliche Missgeburt in deinem jmmerlichen Leben hinbekommst ...
- Loser-aufgabe Fr Pantyschnffler Mach dir nichts vor, ich kenne dein kleines der Gedanke an meine getragene Wsche ...