Metal Frogs Crushed Under Riding Boot Soles

As I walk on the street next to the stable, I crush a lot of puny things under the feet of my railing boots carelessly - some walnuts, petite tomatoes and even some tangerines get flattened under the hard boot soles. As I walk further and further theres a small frog made of metal in my way - and it gets crushed as well. I approach a parking lot and notice there are even more of them on the ground. Obviously, I cant resist - Ive to crush them all! Theyre quite hard, but theyre not hard enough to withstand the hard boot soles and the power of my legs. One after another is crushed completely before I continue my walk! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you, send me an email to com!