Goddess Perfecta comes out of her golden mirror to admire, as always, is to themselves and their own beauty, above all in love with yourself, praise is too high. this is her house and Hofsklave Joschi creeping closer. He begs her to treatment her, or permitted to get up. Also one for him as the goddess in the mirror while perceived behind her, she is very erbot about his Restrain. You should make clear to him that he should adore them only crawl on the ground before her and adore her. Never in this life will be something inbetween them. Never in this life, he is allowed to approach different siich as their slave. To emphasize that she missed him again a few hard kicks with the shoes. Then she turns back her divinely beautiful image in the mirror. Joschi praises panting on the floor behind her, her flawless figure of light. But Goddess Perfecta has only insults, verbal abuse and humiliation of his ugliness for him.
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